Transforming obstacles into extraordinary opportunities
Learn about IBC™. From the basics to how to proficiently use the model to support yourself and others.
We specialize in leadership and trust development, obstacle transformation, and potentializing synergy.
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A powerful method to embody our best, most exciting, joyful, and integrated expression
At Innerland, offer life-giving, mind and heart-expanding experiences, training, and certification in evidence-based transformational models that embody long-lasting results
Living Your Inner Freedom
Foundations of IBC:
Self-Alignment - We are the source of our own inner guidance and healing. No one else can have access of our inner universe. Insight, purpose, and action, are derived from within.
Dialectic Inquiry - The millenary Socratic tradition that focusses on open ended questions as life’s most powerful source of curiosity, adventure, creativity, growth, and understanding.
Persistent Flow- We can develop the ability to persistently access a profound inner state of enjoyment and flow that comes from the merging of aligned action with consciousness.
Effortlessness - True self transformation is not about pushing, forcing or fixing, but rather it is about holding, witnessing, understanding, realizing, and healing.
Multiplicity of Mind - Deeply understanding that the nature of mind is multiple and complex, and at the same time accessible and healable through praxis and understanding.
Dzogchen - The millenary Himalayan tradition holding the sacred method and experience (Rigpa) that allows us to recognize, access, relax into, and expand the truest expression of who we are.